06 Jan 2022 --- Alpla has formed a joint venture with global engineered materials supplier Glatfelter and Swedish startup Blue Ocean Closures (BOC) to develop fiber-based closures using “dryforming” technology.In related news, Alpla and paper packaging specialist BillerudKorsnäs are pioneering the development of a fully bio-based and recyclable paper bottle.Vishal Bansal, vice president at Glatfelter, tells PackagingInsights the company’s closures are designed to be used on fiber-based bottles such as the one in development with BillerudKorsnäs: “They could be used with those [paper bottles] and also other containers, including those made from traditional methods.” “This partnership brings together like-minded companies that share similar [environmental] sustainability objectives and goals,” adds Chris Astley, senior vice president and chief commercial officer at Glatfelter.