31 Aug 2022 --- Cupex is expanding its range and starting series production of its reusable lid branded Comfort. With a raised lid profile (“dome”) and a large, oval drinking opening, the solution is particularly suitable for coffee specialties with creamy milk foam. The lid can be placed on the cup with one hand and then opened and closed again with a sliding movement. The startup from Bautzen, Germany, was founded last year and has dedicated itself to the topic of spill-proof, reclosable to-go lids with a wide drinking opening. It will showcase its reusable lid at Drinktec 2022 in Munich, Germany, in September.“In Germany, 1.3 billion disposable plastic lids are consumed each year. That’s an average of about 15 lids per person or 40 lids per adult. We want to completely replace these single-use plastic lids. Cupex reusable lids are easy to clean after use, by hand or in the dishwasher – even 15-40 times a year,” Cupex founder Gert Löwe tells PackagingInsights.