05 Jul 2023 --- Enviro Systems (Enviro) is participating in a three-year project at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden to reduce the carbon footprint of West Sweden’s chemicals industry. The partnership is leveraging combined knowledge to develop the next generation of Enviro’s pyrolysis-based recycling technology.The project is part of the innovation agency Vinnova’s ten-year Vinnväxt initiative “Klimatledande processindustri” (Climate Leading Process Industry). The initiative aims to support the country’s chemicals industry’s transition from fossil fuel dependence to a renewable and recovered raw materials industry. Other project participants include trading company Stena and chemicals business Borealis.The sub-project involving Enviro’s technology addresses the recovery of complex polymers and is led by the Division of Energy Technology at the Department of Space, Earth and Environment at Chalmers University of Technology.