Russia's No. 1 IML-moulder, Mir Upakovki, has convinced a wide range of Russian and Scandinavian brand owners with its brand-new IML cheese packaging.
Russia's No. 1 IML-moulder, Mir Upakovki, has convinced a wide range of Russian and Scandinavian brand owners with its brand-new IML cheese packaging. Oleg Lavinyukov, General Director of MIR Upakovki, explains. “IML is our crowning glory. We started production in 2003. At that time, we were the first in Russia. IML has a significant share in our production portfolio; it is used on 8% of pails, on 20% of food containers and on 100% of cheese packaging. The achievement of that last figure is due to our brand-new 200 and 400 ml IML cheese packages.”
Oleg Lavinyukov: “Our mission is to assist our customers dealing in the consumer market to promote their products; we do it by manufacturing the best quality plastic packaging, taking into account the specific requirements of the customer’s sector and using the newest technologies. Today, we have more than 20,000 m² of production and warehouse space and utilize a wide range of industrial equipment. We entrust our production processes to moulds from the leading manufacturers in Europe, the US and Canada.”
“Since 2008 we have been the manufacturer of the cheese packaging used by Hochland Russia. We were looking to expand our portfolio, so we performed a market survey. This research showed that there were more opportunities for cheese packaging in our region. The local cheese producers primarily used thermoformed packaging with dry offset. Now we are serving our local customers brands like Plavych, Rokler, Mechta Hozyayki with an IML solution for such packaging. And on top of this our IML packaging for cheese is highly appreciated and used by some Scandinavian brands, such as Pirkka, Rainbow, Paimenpoika and Silva.”
“We decided to manufacture IML cheese packaging that was suitable for the majority of the local cheese manufacturers. This way we were able to offer the cheese market an alternative. Thanks to the advantages of IML, we quickly made a success of it. The print quality is excellent, the production process is very effective, and the packaging is strong and hygienic. Since 2015 we have 3 production units for IML cheese packaging,” explains Oleg Lavinyukov.
Oleg Lavinyukov: “The key to our success in the cheese market? We give smaller, local brands the chance to compete on equal footing with international names, because IML lends all packaging that premium look and feel. And, since the dimensions of our IML cheese packaging are equivalent to those of the existing packaging, those smaller brands can introduce their products onto the market with lightning speed.”
“We have been working successfully together with Verstraete IML for a long time now. The quality of their labels is excellent. There are many international brand owners in their portfolio and the company is continuously innovating in the areas of materials and technology. A characteristic that we find very important,” explains Oleg Lavinyukov.
“What is on our R&D agenda for 2015-2016? The development of new, exclusive bottles for shampoos and household products. And the further development of our IML range, also for cheese packaging, of course.”