07 Jul 2022 --- Miguel Torres Chile is adopting Packamama’s eco-flat wine bottles made from recycled PET (rPET) for its Río Claro Organic Carmenère line. The company says its goal is to further the brand’s environmental sustainability credentials and appeal to a younger generation of climate-conscious consumers. This aim will be unlocked by switching the packaging to Packamama’s innovative, lower carbon bottles. Launched in Sweden’s government-owned chain of liquor stores, Systembolaget, the introduction of eco-flat wine bottles for Río Claro Organic Carmenère is part of a collaboration with the Wine & Spirits Collective – Miguel Torres Chiles’ Swedish importers.Systembolaget perceives PET bottles as a lighter, lower carbon footprint packaging format than conventional glass bottles. Moreover, Packamama’s bottles are made from 100% rPET, putting pre-existing material back to good use while reducing carbon emissions even more than virgin PET.