30 Jun 2022 --- Rio Tinto and Corona Canada are introducing a beverage can using the mining company’s aluminum produced from Elysis technology. QR codes printed on 1.2 million limited-edition cans encourage customers to learn more about the packaging’s reduced carbon footprint. The cans are manufactured by Ball. In North America, recycled aluminum reportedly accounts for about 70% of the metal used in can production. Carbon emissions are decreased by more than 30% when this recycled metal is combined with Rio Tinto’s low-carbon aluminum, which is generated using renewable hydropower, and metal produced using the direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions-free Elysis smelting technology.The Elysis process emits pure oxygen as a byproduct and eliminates all of the GHG emissions associated with traditional smelting. This technology involves replacing the carbon anodes used in traditional aluminum smelting with inert, proprietary materials.