14 Feb 2024 --- Researchers at Texas A&M University College of Engineering, US, have developed a metal coating solution for food-grade packaging. To improve product safety in the food industry, the scientists developed a two-step coating solution for galvanized steel that is more hygienic than stainless steel-based packaging and reduces the risk of corrosion. Galvanized steel containers and surfaces are used for harvested produce due to durability, strength and lower cost compared to stainless steel, but bacteria residing in storage containers can cause corrosion, explain Dr. Mustafa Akbulut, professor of Chemical Engineering, and Dr. Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, professor of Horticultural Science, who conducted the study. The new coating will reduce corrosion by a minimum of 70%, asserts Akbulut. “This material is more durable and doesn’t experience corrosion. The surface itself can repel the bacteria so it doesn’t get germs stuck on it. Normal steel tends to collect pathogens and microorganisms, but the coated steel is overcoming that issue. These are the main benefits of this technology.”